Company details: Frederikshavn Varmeværk, Heating plant, waste water treatment, etc.
Burner type: 2 x RKB 12.0 ND LMV Gas, 16,304 kW lower limit (load)
Boiler capacity: 12,900 Mcal / 15,000 kW (at 92% boiler efficiency)
Gas consumption at full power: 1,482 nm3/h
NOx emission: 65 mg/nm3 at 10% O2
In cooperation with Tjæreborg Industry we have delivered two 15 MW Zantingh RKB 12 HO Low Nox burners for Frederikshavn Varmes boiler plant at Niels Juelsvej. One burner is equipped with an Economiser and the other with an Optinox system. Both burners include a Siemens LMW combustion controller.
The burners are delivered as a complete system including construction site, safety and quality inspections. The complete project was delivered and installed by our partner NISSEN energi teknik a/s.
Zantingh B.V.
Aarbergerweg 9
1435 CA Rijsenhout
T +31 (0)297 219 100
F +31 (0)297 219 199