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Mission, safety and the environment

Leading supplier to the greenhouse horticultural sector, non-residential construction and industry: that is our mission and our goal now and in the future. The development of safe energy-efficient burner systems, CO2 dosing systems and other equipment is a continuous process. New knowledge and technology is used to adapt existing products or develop new products in order to provide the quality customers expect of a Zantingh product.

Zantingh works hard on reliability. Reliable advice, products and installation, service and maintenance. A reliable partner that produces, supplies and manages innovative and cost-effective systems. A partner that cares for humanity and the environment with the support of specific expertise, thorough skills and commitment. This allows us to provide the reliability of integrated custom-made solutions to our customers. Zantingh products are durable, safe and reliable.

Agencies & service support locations


Zantingh B.V.
Aarbergerweg 9
1435 CA Rijsenhout

T +31 (0)297 219 100
F +31 (0)297 219 199

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